Little blue riding hood

one day in a gay world there was a ugly idiotic bitch named bob sorenstein
she or he went by little blue riding hood because she's stupid. her ugly ass mother that is a cranky frog told little blue riding hood that she was a gigantic bitch. the mom ripped off her clothes and squirted boob juice at little blue riding hood, little blue riding hood flew out of the house.
little blue riding hood was walking to grandmas house to strip for her with her new hello kitty underwear. she then stopped when she saw a retarded squirrel talking drugs. she started to give the squirrel a blowjob. then she gave a unicorn a blowjob and even a leprechaun. she then started to strip for the animals and walk off naked. she swam under the bridge and gave a blowjob to a catfish.
but evil patrixx was stalking her OH NO!!!. little blue hood started having sex with trees and rocks. then evil patrixx got a dinosaur and the dinosaur chased blue hood but blue hood blow jobed the T-rex.
she then made it to grandmas meth lab full of horny animals with huge boobies. blue riding hood broke down the door with her tits and beat the shit out of grandma with a spiky dildo. then evil patrixx blew up the meth lab and a skeleton popped out!!!